Drummond Marais
Gary Pitt
News & Events
Future Goals

Future Conference and Holistic Centre

The SOULSCAPES concept contains a long-term future goal to eventually provide a 'venue' that will ideally serve as a CONFERENCE CENTRE, as well as providing suitable resources for diverse gatherings of HOLISTIC and ESOTERIC intention.
For apart from making itself available as a general conference facility, the SOULSCAPES Conference Centre intends to regularly invite Holistic/Esoteric leaders to conduct weekend workshops within their specified disciplines.
The peaceful tranquillity of the surrounding sandstone mountains of the Eastern Freestate is highly conducive for relaxation, meditation and cerebral focusing, all of which are the rare qualities that group gatherings of this nature necessarily require.

The provision of such a 'mountain retreat' will naturally benefit the blossoming tourist industry within the area and will also allow for potential service and/or employment of the local populace.

SOULSCAPES - 'Dinner Theatre Concept'

Drummond Marais has devoted fifty-odd fulfilling years to the performing arts, with half that time having been employed as a professional actor in South Africa. And although he has an impressive list of stage, screen and radio credits to his name, he now claims his role of Henry Higgins in the lavish State Theatre production of 'MY FAIR LADY' (2006) as his final swan-song! However, he sensibly predicts that it will be nigh impossible for him to completely deny his long-standing love affair with theatre, forever!

Therefore Drummond and Gary do have plans for the future establishment of a theatre of sorts. Incorporating the given concept of a restaurant at SOULSCAPES, they anticipate that such a venue will likewise provide them with opportunities to regularly host quality 'live' entertainment in the form of 'dinner theatre'. It is their intention to invite a diverse selection of high profile solo and small-group performers to entertain their dinner guests. SOULSCAPES will thereby provide the Eastern Freestate tourist industry as well as culturally starved local residents with first class entertainment, in the very near future!

    Buildings Community Labyrinth